Making theater, this is coffee and cigaretts, long nights, booze, burning the midnight oil, hierachies and arguments, stress and vanity. Doesn’t appear to be a healthy, harmonious scene. Not at all. Do all actors die young? It is a struggle for a certain aim. And it’s a beautiful one. A group of people is bound together and roped up to achieve it. Trembling. In excitement and fear of this moment moving closer and closer: the opening night.

Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals. Who is afraid of Philipp Weiss? I am! The role of the playwright is special. I still don’t know how to play it. Lucky me. I do not have to be on stage. But of course I do! In another way. Giving interviews, showing up at rehearsals, sharing my views. The author is the authority! No. What a mistake! I write a play and I want to have it performed, so to say: transformed. I want to get suprised by that process. I don’t want to control it. I don’t want to comment it. My part is done. Keep me out. Go! Let it be a metamorphosis. Get drunk, smoke, argue, struggle. And enjoy the applause at the end.